We specialise in components for use on High and Ultra-High vacuum systems used by the high technology manufacturing industry including advanced research facilities

Feedthroughs and Flanges: Allectra custom solutions

Allectra proivides custom solutions for various types of feedthroughs and flanges.

Allectra Unveils Cutting-Edge Components for Precision Scientific Instrumentation

Under the trademark Biallec, Allectra offers bimetallic CF components. These are Titanium CF Flanges with Aluminium Tube. The new patented bimetallic flange components revolutionise chamber design of Aluminium chambers and are cost effective.

New Head of Sales for Allectra GmbH

Allectra is pleased to announce Ute Holters is now Head of Sales, Allectra GmbH.

Allectra’s Compact Flange System (CFS)

Allectra’s Compact Flange System (CFS) has flanges approximately 40% smaller and lighter than traditional CF flanges.

Allectra offers Sub-D feedthroughs for Type K Thermocouples

Allectra offer Sub-D feedthroughs for Type K Thermocouples. Type K is the most common universal thermocouple for a temperature range from -200°C to +1350°C.

Why ‘Nothing’ really matters: The importance of UHV to Particle Accelerators

At Allectra, we are proud to provide UHV components to the world’s largest particle accelerators. In this post we explore why UHV is important in this field.

Allectra’s Fiona Rousseau celebrates International day of women and girls in science

We asked our own Fiona Rousseau to share her views on working in science in today’s challenging world. Fiona has a PhD in organic chemistry and works in technical sales assisting our customers with solutions for their applications.

Allectra welcomes Christian Kindel

Allectra GmbH is pleased to welcome Christian Kindel into a key role, Business Development and Strategic Sales Specialist.

Allectra launch Sub-D feedthroughs for Type N Thermocouples.

A new component launch from Allectra, Sub-D feedthroughs with thermocouple pins Type N.

Allectra has supplied components to the STFC for the CARME project.

CARME (CRYRING Array for Reaction MEasurements) is a UKRI STFC funded project, which was vacuum commissioned by the AsTEC division in STFC Daresbury Laboratory (UK)

New partnership with Nano Vacuum

Nano Vacuum will be the exclusive distributor of Allectra High Vacuum and UHV components in Australia and New Zealand.

Allectra GmbH Summer Party

Allectra GmbH embrace team building at the annual summer party by solving tasks as a group paddling a dragon boat.

Electrical feedthroughs by type and application

Allectra is an established Electrical feedthrough specialist with over twenty years experience manufacturing and supplying a wide range of feedthroughs for customers all over the world. In this blog we explain some of the types we offer.

Allectra Exhibitions calendar 2022

Come and meet the team to discuss our latest vacuum technology for 2022.

Princeton Scientific Corporation new distributor in the USA

Allectra is pleased to announce that Princeton Scientific Corporation is our new distributor in the USA.

Supply Chain statement

Statement from Allectra regarding our supply chain and availability of stock.

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Statement from Allectra.

Allectra Notes for High Vacuum and UHV practice

Here we explore some norms, rules and protocols for High Vacuum and UHV practice.

Allectra manufactures a custom flange for Spacetek Technology Spectrometer

Providing exceptional performance while keeping an attractive form factor and a high ease of maintenance, meant a simple assembly was required to mount the complete mass analyzer on a DN100 CF Flange.

Our custom components supplied to the Giano-B Spectrograph

Allectra’s custom components including custom tubes, valves and various accessories supplied to the Giano-B Spectrograph in the Canary Islands.

Allectra has supplied components for the BEaTriX pathfinder facility

Gate valves and electrical feedthroughs supplied for the BEaTriX vacuum system. The vacuum system is designed with modular compartments.

Allectra’s vacuum chamber used in the OXiNEMS project

New hybrid sensors are expected to overcome the limitations of magnetometers in magnetoencephalographic systems.

Allectra’s components assist testing in space environments

Allectra has provided custom flanges and cables for AstroBio CubeSat (ABCS), a 3U Cubesat hosting a mini laboratory payload based on innovative lab-on chip technology.


We are delighted that Fiona Rousseau has joined UK internal sales with responsibility for providing our customers with technical information and responding to customer enquiries.

Understanding Coaxial feedthroughs

Coaxial means simply that two conductors share a common axis. In a coax feedthrough the inner conductor is for a (typically small) signal and the outer conductor is connected to ground and works as a shield of that signal against electro-static interference.

Allectra supplies components for LSPE SWIPE and STRIP instruments

Allectra has supplied components and cables for the Large-Scale Polarization Explorer (LSPE) SWIPE and STRIP instruments.

Live webinar – ‘The Sterile Neutrino Puzzle’ ICARUS at Fermilab

We are delighted to host Dr Gian Luca Raselli, INFN, Sezione di Pavia, in a live webinar at MEDSI, the virtual event, on Wednesday 28th July at 3.30pm BST. Dr Raselli will be discussing the “Sterile Neutrino Puzzle” and its search at FNAL in the SBN program.

Notification of summer closure Allectra GmbH

Allectra GmbH to be closed 2nd to 6th August, Summer closure to give staff a well-earned rest.

Our high frequency feedthroughs advancing research

Our high frequency feedthrough used to perform frequency dependent measurements.

Allectra in light science

For an increasing number of High Vacuum and UHV applications, Optical Fibres are used either to get signals out or to bring “light” to the right point into the chamber.

Allectra components for Surface Science Applications

Modern technologies increasingly rely on low-dimensional physics at interfaces and in thin-films and nano-structures. Surface Science holds a key position in providing the experimental and theoretical models for a basic understanding of these effects.

Two new hires for Allectra GmbH

Allectra GmbH has recently hired two new colleagues to strengthen the Berlin team.

How we are investing to give you the best service

Allectra began reviewing procedures in early 2018 and implemented significant changes as early as January 2020

International Day of Women and Girls in Science – United Nations

11th February is the United Nations International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The day recognises the critical role women and girls play in science and technology.


Allectra supplies most of the leading SEM companies with electrical feedthroughs and other components, where reliability and robustness are key.


A group of researchers at the DTU in Denmark use Allectra Kapton-wires regularly at 7 mK to control their JPE positioning device.


Allectra are pleased to introduce two new types of KAP301 multistrand coaxial cable of two different thicknesses.

High Frequency In-Vacuum Cables – to 40 GHz

New K-type SMA cables for in-vacuum use, the 380-SMA-K series.

What is a PT100 Resistor?

PT100 sensors are the most common platinum resistance thermometers on the market, owing largely to their impressive resistance capabilities (<100 ohms).

Allectra supplies ARIS team rocket with M12 feedthroughs

Allectra has supplied M12 feedthroughs to a team from ETH Zurich competing in the Spaceport America cup.

What are CF Fittings & Flanges?

ConFlat (CF) fittings are flanges that use -metal seals to achieve vacuum conditions. The combination of a copper gasket (OFHC) and a stainless steel knife-edge flange makes for an almost impenetrable vacuum barrier.

Feedthroughs & Wires in High Tech Manufacturing

At Allectra we are always adding to our collection of high-tech manufacturing components through the design and development of creative solutions.

What is Kapton Wire?

Kapton wires offer high performance across a wide temperature range. In this article, we will take a broad look at the history and properties of Kapton insulation.

Vacuum Components in Alternative Energy Research

Allectra has contributed to the seeking out of successful alternative energy sources with differing levels of influence and involvement in many studies.

Outlining Kapton-Insulated Thermocouple Wire

Allectra supplies a wide range of Kapton-insulated wire types including commonly-available type K thermocouple wires. Read more.

When to Use Rigid Kapton Wires?

This article outlines why Kapton wires are used for HV/UHV settings and provide some insight into when it is appropriate to use rigid Kapton wires.

When to Use Flexible Kapton Wires?

This article outlines why Kapton wires are uniquely suited to HV/UHV settings, and hopefully provides some insight into when it is appropriate to use flexible Kapton wires.

SMA Feedthroughs for Vacuum Applications

Allectra high vacuum SMA feedthroughs are the first-choice solution for high-frequency signal processes in HV/UHV conditions.

Sub-D Feedthroughs from Allectra

At Allectra, we design, develop, and manufacture critical vacuum components for a range of applications, including Sub-D feedthroughs.

What Stainless Steel Grades are Used for Vacuum Components?

Part of Allectra’s quality assurance and control (QA/QC) procedures involves rigorously selecting the right materials for our vacuum components.

Coronavirus update

Coronavirus – a notice to our customers


How high technology processes that rely on vacuum components are creating a leap forward in system design.

Safety components available online

Allectra customers can purchase Pressure Burst discs and safety components online.

Allectra components installed at the MagneDyn Beamline

Custom CF40 edge welded bellow which has been specifically designed for the vacuum coupling of the magnetic expansions of the MagneDyn electromagnet.

Thyracont components now available

Allectra customers can now purchase Thyracont Pressure Measurement components directly from Allectra’s online store.

Vacgen manipulation components now available

Allectra customers can now purchase Vacgen motion in vacuum components directly from Allectra’s online store.

Radiation-Resistant Kapton Wires from Allectra

In our latest blog post, we outline the high-performance radiation-resistant Kapton wires available from Allectra in more detail.

The Fundamentals of Surface Science

Surface science studies concerned with solid materials are often conducted under controlled vacuum conditions. Learn more, with Allectra.

Standard Glass Viewports for HV/UHV from Allectra

Allectra develops and supplies various HV/UHV components, including specialized and standard viewports suitable for demanding pressure regimes.

Why Use a Sapphire Viewport?

In this blog post, Allectra explores when and why you might use a sapphire viewport in high vacuum and ultra-high vacuum applications.

High Voltage Feedthroughs from Allectra

High voltage electrical feedthroughs are used extensively in high vacuum and UHV conditions. Learn more about Allectra’s range of high-performance products.

Manufacturing Ultra-High Vacuum Components

Allectra is one of the fastest-growing manufacturers of UHV components. In this blog post, we outlines our method of manufacturing UHV components.

‘Super SMA’ Feedthrough now available

This double-sided SMA Feedthrough for UHV has an extended frequency range up to 27 GHZ


Diamond vacuum group test the kap301 series radiation wire

Benjamin L. Holmes appointed General Sales Manager of Allectra GmbH

Ben brings a wealth of experience to this key position where he will have overall responsibility for technical sales for the GmbH company.


Allectra supplied Sub-D feedthroughs, cluster flanges with special viewports holders, and custom pressure burst disks for the vacuum vessel


Allectra now offers a special series of quick to change O- ring sealed Sub-D feedthroughs on fixed size base plates.


Custom chamber provides thermal insulation for a cryogenic gas trapping system

Allectra attended the European Vacuum Conference 2018

The Allectra team is attending the European Vacuum Conference (EVC-15) 2018 between Monday 18 and Wednesday 20 June.

Allectra expand into China with UCVAC

As part of Allectra’s growth and expansion strategy, Allectra Limited has appointed UCVAC to become the sole distributor of Allectra…

Allectra supply components for the ICARUS upgrade

Allectra has been selected to supply all the flanges with both signal and high voltage feedthroughs for the ICARUS upgrade at CERN…

Allectra Limited showcased in major Parliamentary Review

September 2017: Allectra shares best practice alongside Prime Minister Theresa May in The 2016/2017 Parliamentary Review…

Conformance of Allectra components

Allectra CF UHV components use the internationally accepted copper gasket flange system. They are standardised by ISO…

Allectra GmbH opens a new manufacturing facility in Southern Germany

Allectra GmbH has opened a new manufacturing facility and service centre in Villingen-Schwenningen…

Allectra manufacture water circuits for new DMM at Diamond Light Source

Allectra Ltd recently supplied some water-cooled masks, scatter guard and cooling circuits for the new I02 …

Allectra has created a Tapered flight tube for the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Allectra has created a Tapered flight tube as part of a £2 million upgrade to add a Super Mirror Guide …

Custom Port Aligner Assembly designed for Edinburgh University

Allectra has designed a custom port aligner for Edinburgh University. Our customer needed to correct a …

System Protection Components

Allectra Pressure Burst Disks offer protection in the event of potentially hazardous pressures greater than atmospheric pressure occurring in the vacuum system. The disks will rupture and release gas preventing an accidental pressure explosion destroying valves (which occurred to the gate valve pictured right), or other components. Allectra offer three

Electrical feedthroughs by type and application

Allectra is an established Electrical feedthrough specialist with over twenty years experience manufacturing and supplying a wide range of feedthroughs for customers all over the world. The Sub-miniature D Type feedthrough is based on the electronics industry standard MIL-C-24308. These are available as 9, 15, 25, 37 and 50 way

Allectra Limited is ISO 9001 certified

October 2015: Allectra Limited is registered in recognition of a quality management system demonstrated in conformance with ISO 9001. The directors and management at Allectra Limited are committed to the continual development of its quality management system (ISO9001:2008) and its associated procedures and objectives, required to maintain the culture and

Allectra create a ‘Cryo’ feedthrough for University of Nottingham

September 2015: Allectra recently supplied a ‘Cryo’ feedthrough assembly to the Ultracold Atoms Lab, Quantum Technology Hub at the University of Nottingham. This component will be used for experiments where cold atoms are used to probe samples to measure their magnetic fields or probe their current paths when current is

Allectra build an Elephant Pump in Africa through AquAid

July 2015: We at Allectra are aware that keeping our staff members hydrated will aid them to perform at their very best throughout the work day. As a result, we decided to invest in a water dispenser from AquAid. Our unique relationship with AquAid has also given our company the

Summer Stock Sale

June 2015: Special offer prices and big discounts on limited stock are available until the end of August or until stock runs out. Included in Sale – SUB-D FEEDTHROUGH 9,15,25 WAY ON C40 FLANGE DN40CF MAGNESIUM FLUORIDE VIEWPORT, 22.8mm VIEW DIAMETER DN40CF ZINC SELENIDE VIEWPORT, VIEW DIAMETER 22.8mm PLUS assorted

Custom Manufacturing at Allectra

May 2015: The Allectra Group has this year continued to invest in it’s custom manufacturing and design departments in both the UK and Germany. In the last few years, the company has shifted from distribution and assembly to developing and manufacturing our own product ranges. As well as a manufacturing

Mario Peli appointed new MD for Allectra Limited

January 2015: Mario Peli has been appointed Managing Director of Allectra Limited, with overall responsibility for manufacturing, engineering and technical sales from the UK. Mario has overseen the acquisition and set up of the new Allectra facility in East Sussex and will work closely with the Managing Director of the

PT100 Resistors now available with a screw clamp mounting

December 2014: Allectra offers a wide range PT100 resistor for precise temperature measurement between -200°C and +750°C. The class A resistor offers very low tolerances and a higher stability than thermocouples. The resistor is offered on its own, with 3 or 4 cables connected and as a set including thermal

On-going investment for Allectra in 2014

October 2014: 2014 has been a year of on-going investment for Allectra – the new UK facility has been re-equipped with new machines and we have welcomed some new technical team members. We have undertaken a thorough review of in-house critical processes and it has all led to the successful

Allectra open a dedicated Italian office in Rome

October 2014: Allectra has opened a dedicated Allectra Italia office in Rome in response to the growth of our vacuum science solutions market in Italy. Opposite: DN200 ISO-F custom flange with 10 x Sub-D 37, manufactured for INFN in Frascati Allectra has seen a steady increase in sales of specialist

Allectra part of the team to realize the operation of the Pilatus 12M in vacuum at Diamond Light Source

August 2014: Allectra, with its competence in vacuum feedthrough technology, worked with DECTRIS’ engineering partner ADS to realize the operation of the PILATUS 12M in vacuum at Diamond Light Source, the UK’s national synchrotron science facility. With more than 12 million pixels on an active area of 0.34m2, the PILATUS

New UK facility now open

February 2014: Allectra’s new facility to expand manufacturing capabilities is now open Allectra has opened a new facility on the site of its former offices and workshops at Sheffield Park, East Sussex. The company has seen strong growth of custom High Vacuum equipment sales to High Technology industries both in

Allectra part of a consortium to win funding to re-think the train

November 2013: Revolution VLR Consortium wins funding to re-think the train Revolution VLR (Very Light Rail) Consortium is one of the first four of eight entrants to have been awarded investment as a result of entering the Radical Train competition, run by the UK rail industry’s Enabling Innovation Team. The

Allectra support a Future Pathways event in Scotland

November 2013: Allectra support a Future Pathways event in Scotland The company will be at Clydeview Academy, the last week in November, to discuss a career in the High Technology sector with local students. The aim of the event is to inspire young people to think about future careers and

Allectra’s global market growth is being supported by a new facility in the UK

June 2013: Allectra’s global market growth is being supported by a new facility in the UK Allectra Limited has seen strong growth of Custom High Vacuum equipment sales to High Technology industries both in the UK, and in our export markets in France, Italy, India and elsewhere. The company is

New Releases from Allectra

May 2013: New Releases from Allectra Radiation resistant wire with PEEK insulation. These PEEK insulated cables combine high radiation resistance and a very high insulation resistance over a broad temperature range. These are outstanding properties for use in Ultra High Vacuum systems. The low water absorption in air (0.1%) combined

Allectra Launches Fibre Optics

February 2012: Allectra Launches Fibre Optics for Vacuum As an ongoing commitment to offering our customers the latest High Technology advancements, Allectra has developed a range of Fibre Optics for Vacuum. For an increasing number of applications, Optical Fibres are used in Vacuum either to get signals out or to

Allectra Opens Allectra Italia

September 2011: Allectra Italia Opens Allectra are pleased to announce the launch of their Italian operation, a joint-venture between Allectra and Ecovide Srl. Allectra Italia will join the existing global sales and service network which supports the design and manufacture of Allectra’s High Vacuum and Ultra High Vacuum components. The

Allectra Boosts Secure Payment Facilities

September 2011: Allectra Add An Extra Level Of Security To Their Payment Facility Worldwide Allectra is now offering customers the opportunity to pay by credit or debit card using a secure online payment system operated by PayPal for Business. With this new system, customer security is enhanced and payment can

Allectra To Distribute HVA Valves In Europe

June 2011: Allectra And HVA Enter A European Vacuum Technology Distribution Partnership Allectra are pleased to announce a distribution partnership with American based, High Technology manufacturer HVA. Allectra will be selling their 4000 Series Angle Valve, 81000 Series Aluminium Gate Valve, Harsh Process Valve for high particle or high risk

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