Fundamental Physics Research

Specialist equipment for particle physics and neutrino science

Allectra designs and develops critical components for leading-edge areas of physics research, providing the essential apparatus for fundamental particle studies.

Physics research centers around the globe depend on specialist mechanical systems to meet their primary objectives, from classifying novel materials to studying the most elusive particles known to man.

Allectra has many high-profile partners in fundamental physics research applications, covering a wide spectrum of cutting-edge fields of study. We supplied custom products to the world-renowned particle accelerator ring at CERN, Geneva, where the Higgs Boson was first identified. Innovative particle physics studies with Allectra components continue at CERN today, exploring the basic particles that make up all matter in existence.

Our custom-built components are also foundational for neutrino science applications. We supplied products to the world’s largest underground laboratory devoted to astroparticle physics and nuclear astrophysics; the LNGS in Abruzzo, near Rome. This partnership falls under the remit of our successful relationship with the INFN and other research centres in countries all over the world.

Allectra products are also fundamental to studying the properties of neutrons and muons, assisting facilities like ISIS Neutron and Muon Source; a world-leading centre for research at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK.

Fundamental Physics Research Components from Allectra

Our prestige in custom physics research components positions us as one of the market leaders for materials research on atomic scales. Allectra products are subsequently ideal for a wide range of novel areas of research, from two-dimensional materials research to ultra-fast optics and quantum computing. For more information on the markets we serve, simply contact a member of the Allectra team today. Or, browse our shop to find physics research components that suit your specifications.

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