Alternative Energy

High-performance vacuum-compatible components for demanding areas of research and development

Allectra services some of the world’s most challenging markets and fields of study, including globally-renowned materials research facilities that have contributed to emerging alternative energies. Chief among these are nuclear fusion and photovoltaics research.

Nuclear fusion may enable clean zero carbon energy generation in the future. Unlike conventional nuclear fission, the process does not generate long-lived nuclear waste. A lot of effort is being devoted to this area by research laboratories, including the International ITER project in France, the Culham Laboratory in the UK as well as private companies. Intensive research into semiconductors like silicon have also yielded efficient photovoltaics and functional battery cells that power a range of increasingly diverse electronics.

Allectra is a supplier to the ITER project and the Culham Laboratory and also to private companies who are engaged in Nuclear Fusion development. A selection of the components we supply for fusion research includes:

We also provide precision components for vacuum processing and research into silicon, as well as novel compounds based on indium tin oxide or perovskites. Allectra components are used throughout, from pre-production to quality control (QC). A selection includes:

  • Viewports for in-vacuum optical measurements, such as 110-VPQZ-C100-UV
  • Pressure burst discs for system safety during deposition, such as 461-PBD-C40
  • Feedthroughs for investigating electrical properties, such as 242-SMAD18G-C40-2

Alternative Energy and Allectra Components

With a suite of high-temperature and radiation-resistant vacuum components suitable for the most demanding operating conditions, Allectra is well placed to supply alternative energy researchers with the solutions they need. Radiation resistant ultra-high vacuum wires (UHV), high-temperature thermocouple connectors, and high-performance UHV feedthroughs are merely a selection of the products we offer for fusion research applications.

Want to learn more about our product range? Read our article on Radiation-Resistant Kapton Wires from Allectra

Contact a member of the Allectra technical team today to learn more about the components we supply for alternative energy research.

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